Monday, January 5, 2009

Putrid Summer '07 Throwback Of The Day

Remember this? What a nauseatingly bad song. Trite observations like "fairy tales don't always have a happy ending." Zanily bad couplets like "Like the little school mate in the school yard/we'll play jacks and Uno cards." Explaining that she "needs to be with myself and center - clarity, peace, serenity." She probably read that off the package on some Whole Foods yoga ball. And worst of all, "I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blankehhhht." Looking back though, isn't it just barely possible that this song was a really sneaky parody of all the idiot white singer-songwriter hoes with their whiny voices and acoustic guitars and stupid high school poetry metaphors that don't even make no fucking sense? Probably not. The song's much more tolerable if you take it that way, though. And here's a classic to wash that bad taste out your mouth. Check out dude's super-awkward falsetto-singing Jersey greaser swag. He's got his one hand in his pocket and the other chopping around like he's conducting a wedding orchestra.


Charlie Hustle said...

Oh Fergie... good thing she's so hot, 'cause that dumb bitch is the Black Eyed Peas' own personal Yoko Ono.

And really, the longer I think about it... she's not really even all that hot... kind of looks like a frog, now that I think about it...

Asher said...

Yeah, good correction.