Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One Song By A Whiny Celeb In The Closet Who Can't Sing That's Better Than That Whole Album Put Out By Another Whiny Celeb In The Closet Who Can't Sing

You can download this 80s goodness here. For a gang of techno remixes of this classic, see here.


Charlie Hustle said...

Really, the cherry on this sundae is the dyed-blonde Rick James.

Charlie Hustle said...

Or is that a Rick James clone? It's hard to tell

bding7 said...

oh, it's Rick James all right. this is way, way better than the song eddie murphy did with michael jackson:

i don't know who i'm more embarrassed for.

Asher said...

This is also way better than the song the F.O.T.Y. did with another talented guy with really weird hair. Actually, is Wayne our Rick James? He's got the hair, the drug problems, the... oh wait, he can't write songs. I guess some of the same antic energy, as Breihan would say.